Dr Georgina Hibbert Highly Specialist Clinical Psychologist
Dr Georgina HibbertHighly Specialist Clinical Psychologist 

Consultation and training

Georgina has worked alongside social care departments offering a wide range of training and consultations.  Consultations usually involve one to three sessions and cover a range of issues including behavioural management, placement choices and breaking difficult news.




Georgina has facilitated training for social workers, foster carers and adoptive parents in the following areas:


  • The social and emotional needs of looked after children
  • The effect of domestic violence on a child
  • The effect of parental mental health on a child
  • Attunement and attachment for carers of babies 
  • Managing endings
  • Preparation training for adopters and foster carers – focusing on attachment
  • Sexualised behaviour in young people and children
  • Communicating with adolescents
  • Managing self-harm and suicidal ideation
  • A workshop for birth children of foster carers
  • Managing stress in fostering


These courses can be offered as half-day or one-day training courses depending on the need.


Longer courses


Georgina has also run 6-week and 12-week attachment-based parenting courses for foster carers and adopters.  Each session is two hours long and has an excellent evidence base.

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